How to use Mindfulness Therapy to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety can make a person feel completely alone.

Countless people around the world understand what it is like and share the same fears and struggles (Forsyth & Eifert 2016, 2016).

Although anxiety can feel overwhelming, mindfulness practices can be a powerful tool to improve psychological, cognitive and physical health, as well as manage anxiety (Shapiro 2020).

Mindfulness can help clients deal with difficult times and increase their joy. Mindfulness can help clients put anxiety in its proper place and make it less of a part of their lives.

Mindfulness Therapy to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety can make it difficult for people to live happy, fulfilling lives. They discover ways to get rid of intense thoughts and feelings.

But how do you get rid of anxiety? But how do you manage your anxiety?

Mindfulness and acceptance can help many people change their attitude towards anxious thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness therapy encourages clients (Forsyth & Eifert 2016, 2016)

  • Do not try to manage anxiety.
  • Instead of experiencing anxiety as an emotion, feeling or thought, leave it alone.
  • Avoid letting anxiety control what you do.
  • Encourage compassion in others and your emotional well-being.
  • Get rid of the constant anxiety and discomfort.

Mindfulness can be used to manage anxiety-inducing emotions. It helps people to pause, rise above the chaos, see clearly, and then respond with freedom (Shapiro 2020).

Mindfulness-based therapy can help clients manage anxiety and develop psychological flexibility. Mindfulness helps people shift their attention from physiological sensations to the present situation.

Mindfulness-based therapy “showed large, clinically significant effects in treating depression and anxiety” (Khoury and al., 2013, p. 769). These positive mental health changes appear to last.